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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Does A Bear Shit In The Woods

Does a Bear Shit In The Woods

Dog owners should always clear up after their own dog, If my dog poos on the the pavement or a public place, I bag and bin it , or take it home . If I am walking along in the woods and my dog decides to dump in the middle of the path I just pick a couple of large leaves, scoop up the poo and throw it under a bush.

So I have no idea why some people insist on clearing up after their dog , and leave the poo filled bag for someone else to remove. A lot of councils have removed the dog poo bins as a money saving measure, so there will be no staff to collect bags of poo hanging on gates, or dumped by the side of paths, if you are one of these people, I am sure that you have good intentions, but . Shit is biodegradable, plastic carrier bags are not , bears shit in the woods all the other animals shit in the woods , so if your dog must shit on the main path, push it off , place it under a bush using a couple of large leaves, or take it home, because, there is no such thing as shit fairies to take it away!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Where have I been

I have been living rather than blogging , getting my life how I want to live it and to be quite honest I could not give a fuck if you are nice or not. This has been the problem ,the reason why I have not written anything , I have no idea of your circumstances ,so who am I to tell you to be nice, when your life or day may be full of shit,

I still think that in this negative, corrupt world we are in, there is a place for a bit of positive thinking ,and I still like to be nice to people I meet , I have realised from the moment you wake until you are asleep again someone somewhere is telling you what you should be doing , thinking or buying. Television and radio advertising constantly tell us how to live and think ,so I am opting out of the telling people what to do , if you want to be nice, it’s up to you, but hang around and read some of the things I am doing to make life better.